i. Solar cells are marketed (advertised) based upon their maximum open-circuit voltages and maximum short-circuit currents at Standard Test Conditions (STC). A. What is the definition of STC for a solar panel?
B. From what you measured how would you "advertise" the capability of this solar cell? C. Why are your maximum measured values not necessarily representative of the how a solar cell is actually used? ii. If the same light source were moved farther away, how would this affect the current and voltage measured at the output of the solar panel? Explain why. iïi. If the same light source is used, but the solar panel temperature is much hotter, how would this affect the current and voltage measured at the output of the solar panel? Explain why. iv. If you were given access to multiple solar panels of the same model, design a circuit to achieve: A. 3 times more current B. 3 times more voltage