On a separate sheet of paper, write the following sentences.
Conjugate the verbs in parenthesis in the preterit tense.
In one continuous recording, record yourself reading each completed sentences. As you read each sentence, focus on using correct pronunciation and pause when necessary. Do not submit separate recordings for each sentence and do not submit your written portion.
Eva y Adán _______________ (comer) la manzana.
Moisés _______________ (subir) la montaña para recibir los Diez Mandamientos.
Elías _______________ (caminar) en muchas ciudades.
Daniel _______________ (orar; prayed) en la guarida de los leones.
La Reina Ester _______________ (helped) al pueblo de Israel.
Jesús _______________ (sanar; healed) a muchos enfermos.
Los apóstolos _______________ (hablar) mucho de la salvación en Jesucristo.