
4x Of the five choices below, indicate the two lines from the
passage which show that Huck thinks of himself, as well as most
of his acquaintances, as "bad."
4x A
You don't know about me without you have
read a book by the name of The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter.
There was things which he stretched, but mainly
he told the truth.
The Widow Douglas she took me for her son,
and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was
rough living in the house all the time,
considering how dismal regular and decent the
widow was in all her ways; and so when I
couldn't stand it no longer I lit out.
Now the way that the book winds up is this:
Tom and me found the money that the robbers
hid in the cave, and it made us rich.
I never seen anybody bued one time or