During the Second Continental Congress on June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee
wroposed independence for the colonies Shortly after, Congress appointed three
ommittees to draw up plans for addressing each part of the Lee Resolution Atter
ongressional members received approval from constituents, a vote was held on July 1,
776, with twelve colonies voting to pass the resolution. On July 9, 1776, the newly
lected New York Convention cast the thirteendh vote to uphold the Declaration of
That these United Colonies are free and independent States, that they are absolved
from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and
the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. That measures should be
immediately taken for procuring the assistance of foreign powers. Additionally, a
confederation should be formed to bind the colonies more closely together
That it is expedient to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign Alliances
That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmined to the Colonies for their
consideration and approbation

Passage 2

Due to western expansion during the 19th century, Americans came to control both
the economy and politics of Hawai In 1891, when Queen Luokalani took Hawai's
throne, she tried to reassert her power as Hawai's leader and claim sovereignty for
Native Hawalans. After being deposed by a smal group of American businessmen,
supported by American diplomats and the United States Navy, she wrote the following
letter to the House of Representatives.
Luokalani of Hawai, named heir apparent on the 10th day of April, 1877, and
proclaimed Queen of the Hawalan Islands on January 29, 1891, do hereby earnestly and
respectfully protest against the assertion of ownership by the United States of America of
the so-called Hawakan Crown Islands amounting to about one million acres and which
are my property I especially protest against such assertion of ownership as a taking of
property without due process of law and without just or other compensation
Therefore, supplementing my protest of June 17, 1897, I call upon the President and
the National Legislature and the People of the United States to do justice in this matter.
Restore to me this property, the enjoyment of which is being withheld from me by your
bersion of my night and the

Which idea is common to both passages?

A. Independent nations should not be subject to the rule of others

B. Recognized leaders should not be subject to the laws of other nations

C. Government should be established by a nation's own citizens

D. Forming allances with others is essential to gaining independence