Choose the best answer from the given alternatives. (1 point each)
1. Choose the wrong statement about person?
A. A natural person is a human being.
B. Human person is the subject of rights and duties from its birth to its death.
C. Artificial persons are human being.
D. All
2. Which of the following is not the basic Element of contract?
A. Consent
B. Object
C. Capacity
D. Form
E.No answer
3 Which is not Basic feature of law?
A. Normativity
B. Generality
4. Which is not reason for extinction of contract?
A. Performance
B. Set-off
5. Choose the wrong statement from the following.
A. Contract is an agreement between the parties.
B. Breach of contract resulted with the payment of damage.
C.Legally accepted contract resulted with the payment of damage.
D.obligation of contract must belegal and not contradict with moral of the society.
6.Which is odd from the list below
A.International law
B.Family law
C.succession law of contract
7. Which is wrong about the object of the contract?
A. Object of the contract must be legal
B. Object of the contract must not contradict with Moral.
C. Object of the contract must be possible.
D. No Answer ​