Which of the following reactions sequences is both correct and could give you something that smells like pineapple?
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O 1) 1-propanol —(strong oxidizer)→ propanoic acid
2a) ethane —(Cr2O3/heat)→ ethene
2b) ethene + H2O —(acid)→ ethanol
3) propanoic acid + ethanol —(−H2O)→ final product
O 1) 1-propanol —(mild oxidizer)→ propanoic acid
2a) ethane —(Cr2O3/heat)→ ethene
2b) ethene + H2O —(acid)→ ethanal
3) propanoic acid + ethanal —(−H2O)→ final product
O 1) 1-propanol —(strong oxidizer)→ propanoic acid
2) propanoic acid + aminoethane —(−H2O)→ final product
O 1) propane —(Cr2O3/heat)→ propene
2) propene + Cl2 → final product