Reading Progress Check
"Your main problem is that you take yourself too
seriously, Flo," Aubrey said. "There's nothing wrong with
being a poet, but do you have to wear all black and speak
in that sing-song voice all of the time?"
"Don't try to stifle my intellectual growth, man," Flo said.
"I need to think, walk, and act poetry all of the time so that I
am ready to write a poem whenever it comes to me!"
"Flo, I have known you since we were 5 years old, and
you are not that deep!" Aubrey responded. "You read all of
the Midnight series, for goodness sake! Stop pretending.
and just be yourself!"
"Aubrey, keep your voice down!" Flo said, checking to
make sure no one heard her. "I didn't come here for you to
tell me what to do. I came so you could tell me what to do
to get a date for the poetry reading."
"Since when are you interested in getting a date? I
thought you said you enjoyed being alone so you could
'channel all of your high school anguish' into your poetry?"
"Since I found out all of the other girls in my poetry
group are bringing dates," Flo said. "Are you going to help
your best friend or what?"
"You know there's nothing I wouldn't do to help you, but
I don't know any special strategies or anything." Aubrey
said. "I am just myself around guys. If they like me, then
great. If they don't, it's not the end of the world."
"You do what?" Flo said in disbelief. "If that's what it
From this passage, the reader can tell that Aubrey is what?