
Passage 1
passage 2
in passago 1, review the underlined stanza
on page 3
what does the dialogue in this stanza
reveal about the narrator in the poem?
the old man dreams
by oliver wendell holmes
he is unhappy in his adult life.
he is annoyed the angel is questioning him.
o for ono hour of youthful joy!
give back my twentioth spring!
i'd rather lough a bright-haired boy
thon roign a gray-board king!
off with the spoils of wrinkled ago!
away with leaming's crown!
tear out life's wisdom-written pago,
and dash its trophios down!
ono moment lot my lifo-blood stream
from boyhood's fount of flamo!
give me ono giddy, rooling droam
of life all love and famo!
he feels young despite his age.
he knows he has much to be thankful for.
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