Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Argument Organizer, your introduction, and body paragraphs, you will write the conclusion of your argument.
Important note: You will submit your entire argument for this assignment, including the Works Cited page.
You have previously written the introduction and body paragraphs of your argument. Now you will write the conclusion to complete this argument.
Be sure to use the information you previously collected in your Argument Organizer and your writing.
In your conclusion, remember to:
Use a conclusion transition phrase at the beginning of your paragraph
Restate your claim in a new way
End with a conditional clincher
Write in the formal style using the third person point of view.
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Please use the tools on your computer to do this.
Add your introduction and body to the conclusion. Also include your Works Cited page.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 06.08 Prove Your Point.