Complete the following outline on the story of Esther by selecting topics and subtopics from the list. Capitalize correctly.

Mordecai the Jew sent his cousin Esther. Mordecai asked Esther to go before the king.
Esther revealed Haman's plot at the second banquet. Mordecai would not bow to Haman.
Maidens were brought to the palace for king's selection of a queen. Haman made a plot.
Mordecai was given a position of authority. King commanded servants to bow to Haman.
A new decree allowed Jews to gather and defend themselves. Esther invited Haman and the king to a banquet.
Outline of Esther

I.Esther became queen.
Esther was chosen queen.
Furious Haman sent orders to kill all Jews.
III.Esther showed courage.
Esther risked her life going before the king.
IV.Justice was accomplished.
Haman was hanged.
Outline of Esther I. Esther became queen.A. B. C. Esther was chosen queen.II.A. B. C. Furious Haman sent orders to kill all Jews.III.Esther showed courage.A. B. Esther risked her life going before the king.C. D. IV.Justice was accomplished.A. Haman was hanged.B. C.