Extended Metaphor Poem
1. Define metaphor
2. What is an extended metaphor?
3. Using extended metaphor, write a poem about poetry, the poet, or the poem.
4. First, establish through a simile what the poet is like.
For example, you might compare the poet to an athlete. Then,
throughout the remainder of the poem, talk about the poet exclusively
in terms of the athlete - - how he or she trains, practices, performs,
does well, and does poorly.
Example: Flaming Poetry
is like
which are
swift and elusive
dodging realization.
Sparks, like words on the
paper, leap and dance in the
flickering firelight. The fiery
tongues, formless and shifting
shapes tease the imagination.
Yet for those who see,
through their mind's
eye, they burn
up the page.