By Juniper Springs
While it might be fun to imagine traveling to Mars one day, now is not the time to go. For one thing, it is
too dangerous. The atmosphere of the planet is more carbon dioxide than oxygen, and it's very cold. While
there are claims that the radiation levels on the planet are not lethal to humans, that does not mean they
aren't dangerous. We don't yet know what the long-term health effects will be. As of now, we do not have
a solution for this problem. It is foolish to think a dome would be able to protect us from all of the
It would also be impossible to build one large enough to house as many people as would want to go. Also,
going to Mars will be expensive. Why spend money traveling to a planet that is so dangerous and far away?
That money could be better spent addressing problems here on Earth.
Furthermore, it is unwise to think any inventions that come about as a result of our race to Mars would
make up for the cost of getting there. We are already able to send robots to Mars. It won't be long until our
technology is so advanced that a robot will be able to do the same tasks as a human. It is not necessary to
go to Mars right now.
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