Problem 1. Vehicles

Write a program that models 2 vehicles (Car and Truck) and will be able to simulate driving and refueling them in

the summer. Car and truck both have fuel quantity, fuel consumption in liters per km and can be driven given

distance and refueled with given liters. But in the summer both vehicles use air conditioner and their fuel

consumption per km is increased by 0. 9 liters for the car and with 1. 6 liters for the truck. Also the truck has a tiny

hole in his tank and when it gets refueled it gets only 95% of given fuel. The car has no problems when refueling and

adds all given fuel to its tank. If vehicle cannot travel given distance its fuel does not change.


 On the first line - information about the car in format {Car {fuel quantity} {liters per km}}

 On the second line – info about the truck in format {Truck {fuel quantity} {liters per km}}

 On third line - number of commands N that will be given on the next N lines

 On the next N lines – commands in format

o Drive Car {distance}

o Drive Truck {distance}

o Refuel Car {liters}

o Refuel Truck {liters}


After each Drive command print whether the Car/Truck was able to travel given distance in format if it’s successful.

Print the distance with two digits after the decimal separator except trailing zeros.

Car/Truck travelled {distance} km

Or if it is not:

Car/Truck needs refueling

Finally print the remaining fuel for both car and truck:

Car: {liters}

Truck: {liters}

Example #1

Input Output

Car 15 0. 3

Truck 100 0. 9


Drive Car 9

Drive Car 30

Refuel Car 50

Drive Truck 10

Car travelled 9 km

Car needs refueling

Truck travelled 10 km

Car: 54. 20

Truck: 75. 00

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Example #2

Input Output

Car 30. 4 0. 4

Truck 99. 34 0. 9


Drive Car 500

Drive Car 13. 5

Refuel Truck 10. 300

Drive Truck 56. 2

Refuel Car 100. 2

Car needs refueling

Car travelled 13. 5 km

Truck needs refueling

Car: 113. 05

Truck: 109. 13