As you know computer system stores all types of data as stream of binary digits (0 and 1). This also
includes the numbers having fractional values, where placement of radix point is also incorporated along
with the binary representation of the value. There are different approaches available in the literature to
store the numbers having fractional part. One such method, called Floating-point notation is discussed in
your week 03 lessons. The floating point representation need to incorporate three things:
In the video lessons, 8-bit storage is used to demonstrate the working of floating point notation with the
help of examples where 8-bit storage is divided as:
1 bit for Sign.
3 bits for Exponent.
4 bits for Mantissa (the mantissa field needs to be in normalized form as discussed in the video
For the discussed 8-bit floating point storage:
A. Encode the (negative) decimal fraction -9/2 to binary using the 8-bit floating-point notation.
B. Determine the smallest (lowest) negative value which can be incorporated/represented using the
8-bit floating point notation.
C. Determine the largest (highest) positive value which can be incorporated/represented using the 8-
bit floating point notation.
Note: You need to follow the conventions (method) given in the video lessons for the solution of this
question. Any other solution, not following the given convention, will be considered incorrect.