School (Point O.
Greide Questions:
hulle and Dodong are bound to go to school. From their initial location (Point
store (Point B) is 250 m away. From the store, they must walk 250 m more to reach
1. Nene and Dodong walked from their initial location (Point A) at the same pace and
reached the store (Point B) at the same time. What is the distance that they have
covered? What is their displacement? (Point A to Point B).
2. If Nene and Dodong continued walking and reached school (Point 9 at the same time,
what is the total distance that they have covered starting from their initial location
(Point A)? How about their displacement? (Point A to Point
3. When they reached school (Point), Dodong realized that he forgot his lunchbox.
He hurriedly returned to their initial location (Point A) to get it. What is the total
distance that he covered from the original starting point (Point A) when he returned to
the same location (Point A) to get his lunchbox back? Is the total distance that he has
covered the same with his displacement? (Point A to C and back to Point A)
4. Based on the activity, how will you define Distance and Displacement?