Answer whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
a. Piglets are born with enough brown fat to maintain body temperature through thermolysis
b. Pregnant sows are often fed ad libitum because the foetuses need a lot more nutrition
c. Improved pig breeds have a high feed conversion ratio and high average daily gain
d. Indigenous pig breeds are known to be infertile and are good scavengers
e. A breeding boar is fed ad libitum to maintain good semen production
f. A pregnant sow should be fed a diet low in fibre to prevent diarrhoea
g. Cottonseed oilcake are known to contain the anti-nutrient factor named tannin
h. Piglets are injected with iron at least twice soon after birth
i. A carcass with soft fat contains on average more saturated fatty acids than a carcass with hard fat
j. The Kolbroek is a spotted breed and a good example of an improved pig breed