Mr. Charles, an elderly client, calls the veterinary clinic about a turtle that he has just purchased as a gift for his grandson. He has some questions and concerns about his grandson han- dling and playing with the turtle.
“Hello, I was calling about a Red Eared Slider turtle I just got for my grandson, Billy. I was won- dering if there are any health concerns with the turtle. Also, how should Billy hold it?” The veterinary assistant, Katie, has had several turtles and says, “Mr. Charles, I have owned many turtles and nothing has ever happened to me. Turtles make excellent pets. Billy will enjoy his new pet. As far as picking the turtle up, he should hold it by its shell. He can also let it walk around the house if he likes.” “Oh, I am so glad to hear that. Someone at the pet shop told me about some handling concerns and after I left the store, I was worried. Thank you so much for answering my questions.”
1. Did Katie provide proper information?
2. How would have you answered Mr. Charles’s questions?
3. What could potentially happen in this situation?