This forum is an opportunity for students to discuss topics related to Essays and Reflections IV.
Rather than tackling an entire essay topic, I suggest you take on something more specific that would fit with the topic. For example, if you are writing about "The Americas", you could discuss "Eastern Woodlands Peoples" as something that could be part of the essay. If you start a topic, please give it a title such as "Eastern Woodlands (The Americas)" or "Mongol Contributions (Integration)" or "India and China (Comparative Cultures)".
Please only share one or two paragraphs, in each post. The idea is to start a discussion on the topic, or continue a discussion someone else started. Please consider how your post will encourage others to share.
Whether your post is the introducing a topic, or responding to another student, please mention specific chapters where you picked up the information you are discussing. If you can mention page numbers, that could also be helpful. Also, feel free to share pictures that could be helpful when discussing the topics. Connections to our "history habits of mind" could also be helpful.