100 points if you do this right it’s math
Fill out a 1040 Tax Form according to the instructions below and upload the completed form. The form can be found here.

John Photo is filing as a single individual. He is not married and has no children, nor is he a dependent.

His social security number. It is 039-29-7319.

His address is 979 W 45th Street , New York, New York 55555

You may skip down to line 1.

On line 1a enter $45,000.00 . These are his wages from his only job.

On line 1z, enter $45,000.00. This is the sum of 1a-1h.

On line 2b enter $150.00 for taxable interest from his savings account.

On line 9 follow the instructions given. This will also be the same value on line 11.

On line 12 use the standard deduction $12,950 for this filing. This value will also be placed on line 14. Recall that this value will change from year to year, but for this exercise always use $12.950, even if the tax form indicates otherwise.

On line 15 follow the instructions. This is John's taxable income.

On line 16 , you will need to access the tax table using the instructions for the 1040. Look at the documents table of contents and click on tax table. Find John's range of salary and enter the value in the column for singles. This is how much federal tax John should pay . Click here for access to the tax table. This value will also need to be recorded on line 24.

On line 25a enter $3865 which is the amount of federal taxes that John paid according to his W-2 form. These are the taxes that have already been taken out of his paycheck. Also enter this value on lines 25d and line 33.

On line 34 follow the instructions and enter the value on the line as well as on line 35a. This is the amount that John will be refunded.