It will help if you write a few sentences addressing each of the four items below; especially the last two.

Attendance: Please comment on your attendance and engagement in class activities since the last report. Please cite evidence you see that you continue to get a lot out of class discussions. It helps if you can give examples.

Preparation: Please note how you prepare for class. If you have other evidence of your preparation, such as written answers to reading handouts, you are welcome to attach that. It helps if you can be specific about strategies.

Contributions: Please note how you contribute to our class or to other students you connect with. You could also note how you benefit from other people's contributions. You may want to refer to your achievement on the color levels, and why this is significant for you. Please be as specific as possible.

Growth: What goals did you mention in earlier reports? Note how you made progress or developed new goals. What evidence do you see that you have grown in the course? Have you grown in any ways you did not anticipate?