The problem of the industry started with the emotic
greeted by ghubalization which helped the feetgn multi-coloal tecile
companies to dominate Afowa's textile market. All across Abies, textile planes d
exporters are reeting from the impact of new wade rules These rules, negotiated st
World Trade Organization (WTO), opened up t
this providing a ready market for textiles produced outside the continent
The outhoded technology used in the African textile industry is worthy of wate The
techvillogy is laborious even though the products express Afrie'vrick
This technology creates difficulty is the acquisition of the raw materials for
production The most challenging part is the dyes needed for pris
The locally manufactured dyes are very difficult to produce They
obtained from processing barks and roots using an outmoded form o
spite of the laborious work involved in producing the dyes, they are of low quality
The raw materials needed for textile production are sourced from the agricultural
sector Therefore, there should be abundant production of cotton locally. The
government should give incentives to local cotton growers to encourage the large-scale
production of raw materials Agricultural implements should be made available at
affordable cost People arrested in connection with smuggling, either the designs or
the finished products, should be immediately prosecuted. Punishments severe enough to
deter others should be meted out to offenders. If the laws are not stringent enough, new
ones should be promulgated to deal with this. The local companies must be protected
and be allowed to flourish so as to provide employment for the teeming populace
The government can grant tax holidays to manufacturers operating in the textile sector
to reduce their tax burden. This will grant them access to funds so as to improve their
production capacity. The government can also make foreign exchange available to
enable operators to import the necessary machinery to set up textile plants
(a) In three sentences, one for each, summarize three factors that led to the collapse
of the textile industry in Africa.