Choose at least five events from the list below.
Event Choices
Aum Shinrikyo attack
Australia independence
Chinese Civil War
Great Leap Forward
Greek Civil War
Hundred Flowers Campaign
India independence
International Monetary Fund created
Israel became a nation
Sept 11th, 2001 attacks
South Africa independence
The Long March
Tiananmen Square incident
Vietnam War
World Trade Organization founded
Having trouble deciding which to pick? Choose events that you think had the most impact on the world.
Write a summary paragraph for each of the five chosen events. Each paragraph should answer these questions:
What happened?
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Which of the S.P.R.I.T.E categories is it connected to?
How does it connect to other events on the timeline?
Select an image to represent each event. Include the images in your timeline.
Organize your illustrated timeline. You can do this in many different ways. Make sure it looks nice, is easy to read, and is checked for spelling and grammar!