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In The Great Gatsby, written by r. scott ritzgerald, the protagonist transcends all heroic figures over time and reemerges as a ubiquitous, ironical form ot the American dream, not only through the content it represents but also through its form. Long after the Great Depression, the 1929 crash of the stock market in America, history has witnessed many more economic setbacks. The 1970's energy crises, 1980's and early 1990's recessions, along with 2000's worldwide stagnation, are good examples of contemporary crises. These are not the first crises, nor the last ones. In each economic oscillation, while some companies become more powertul by turning danger into an advantage, others go bankrupt and drag the others down with them. Above all the mentioned crises lies the dream, the lure of being better and more extensive. It is not just a hallucination of companies, but a dream for evervone who pursues a bright future with a gorgeous life under the spotlights. By different means, sometimes by any means, they aim to reach their dreams. Meanwhile, they have to survive and meet their needs.
pursued dreams become subject in the song "Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glen Campbell, which later inspires the American film Rhinestone (1984) with a subject in similar lines.
Naturally, people have different desires and priorities that shape who they are in society. Human beings are complex, and mythology has played a significant role in the way life is practiced. What we cannot understand or reach becomes either a social phenomenon or social mvths, evolved from the ancients in a parallel development into those people we have today on the stage. Sometimes consciously or unconsciously, people have to choose one that could alter their fate in line with Hannibal's motto of 'either find a way or make one'.
Thus, this study will highlight the American dream's different definitions and meanings in The Great Gatsby through a comparative study of history, mythology, and literature. Thereby, the interpretation of a collective
unconscious that transcends individual unconsciousness through mythical archetypes that stimulate accumulated experience in human generations, which is the meta-meme that Gatsby typifies, is obliged. Through the angle ot post-postmodernism, the meta-meme that Gatsby epitomizes is explicated as the hero myth whose selt-sacrificing is on the way to capture the power and fulfill the ultimate task-which is a series of innate thoughts, feelings, instinct, and memories that are found in humans' minds communally. Myths of Heracles, Odysseus, Achilles, and Jason will be studied comparatively to reveal them as meta-memes and archetypal myths, whose accumulated personifications are developed in Gatsby.