The mayor's office has recently announced grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 for the design and development of a next-generation app that solves a persistent problem in your community. You recently read a list of some of the proposals:

One jogger who is tired of running across soggy lawns has proposed an app that monitors and controls the city's use of water in parks and other public spaces, automatically reducing the flow when the soil reaches a certain level of saturation.
A disabled app designer has created an app that makes it possible to conduct all city business online, even receiving licenses and official documents through printers using 3D printing technology
A transportation engineer proposed an app that combines GPS technology with data pulled from the city's street signals to not only plot the fastest route for emergency vehicles to travel from one place to another, but to actually divert traffic away from the scene of accidents before the first responders arrive.
While these are all great ideas, you are confident that you can create an app that serves a stronger community purpose. You have begun to create a multimedia proposal that you hope will attract the city app committee's attention and secure you funding to move forward with your project.

Assignment Guidelines:
Create a five-minute presentation using a combination of print, live presentation with a question-and-answer period, PowerPoint, or other computer-based demonstration. In this presentation you should include the following:

Describe the community benefit your app will provide:
Identify the problem it will address.
Explain whether the app will be useful in a limited geographic location or whether it will benefit the entire community.
Determine and discuss whether the app provides a permanent solution to the problem or whether it will need to be used for an extended period of time.
Describe how the app will work, including a complete list of the resources it will use that are already on the Internet.
Predict the number of people who will benefit from using this app.
Convince the committee that your app should receive funding rather than other well-designed solutions.