Indicate which compounds present i) in the reactants and ii) in the products from this lab experiment could be expected to give positive tests with a) permanganate and b) ceric ammonium nitrate.

Reactants: "fresh aqueous aspartame"
hydrolyzed aspartame
"beverage A," which is a diet soft drink
24% aqueous methanol
distilled water

-the result of: 30 mL of aspartame stock solution, 10 drops of 6M NaOH in a flask and heated gently for 60 minutes on a steam bath
-the result of: 10mL of diet soft drink with 10 drops of 95% ethanol

I believe the permanganate test proves positive for double bonds, aldehydes, and primary and secondary alcohols, and the cerric nitrate test proves positive for alcohols.

But I can't figure out whether the reactants/products would have any of these aspects because I don't understand how I would know what the products would be. Please help!!!!! And thank you in advance!