Expressive Poetry Graphic Organizer
Selected Poem Title: How do I love thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Initial Response:
What does this poem seem to be about?

Where there any strong connotative words used in the poem?
Was there any word or phrase that was powerful to you?

Did the poet create strong images?
What could you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel?

Poetic Devices and Figurative Language:
What poetic devices were used in this poem?
What types of figurative language were used in the poem?
Did these devices help create imagery or communicate the author's feelings?

Tone & Mood:
What words help you decide the tone of the poem?
What words help you decide the mood of the poem?

How is the poem organized (lines, stanzas, etc.)?
What is unique or interesting about the structure of the poem?
Does the poem rhyme?

What is the poem saying about life or love?
Do you agree or disagree with this message? Explain.
Are there any other reasonable ways to interpret this poem?

Select one magazine from the assessment page that you believe would be the best place to publish the poem you analyzed. Write one paragraph explaining why you chose that magazine.
A paragraph is five to seven sentences and includes supporting evidence. This means using quotes from the poem to help prove your choice. Standard spelling, grammar, and punctuation rules apply.