Brady and Kaila, who are in the 37% tax bracket, are interested in reducing their taxes. They are currently considering several alternatives. Click the icon to view alternatives.) Requirement For each alternative, indicate how much tax, if any, they would save. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.) a. Make a gift of bonds valued at $10,000 that yield $800 per year interest to their 24-year-old daughter, who has no other income Per year, they would save Would the daughter be subject to tax on the interest? b. Sell the bonds from Part a rather than give them to their daughter, and buy tax-exempt bonds that pay 6%. Assume the bonds can be sold for an amount equal to their basis of $10,000. Per year, they would save The amount of interest per year they would forego is Would they be better off to sell the Part a bonds and purchase tax-exempt bonds? c. Give $1,800 cash to a charity. Assume they itemize deductions and ignore any phaseout of itemized deductions. Assuming no phase-out of itemized deductions, they would save d. Pay their daughter a salary of $13,000 for services rendered in their unincorporated business. (Assume that the salary is reasonable.) Assuming the salary is reasonable, how much is deductible as a business expense? Would the salary be taxable to the daughter as income? How much will the parents save in income taxes?