The deflection v(x) of a simply-supported beam with constant cross-section., length L, and linearly increasing load distribution with a maximum of pi is given by
v(x)-PL/120EIL (-x^5 + 2L^2x^3 - L^4 x)
The length of the beam is L 600 cm, Young's modulus is -50.000 kŅJem2, moment of inertia I 30,000 cm^4, and the maximum load is pL 2.5 kN/cm.
a) Plot the deflection curve.
b) Determine the point r having maximum deflection along the length of the beam by hand calculations. Is this value consistent with your plot in part (a)?
c) Check the numerical value of your answer in part (b) using a built-in root- finding function in Python, Matlab, or Mathematica.