When you eat a meal, blood sugar ___________. The brain sends a signal to the ______________ to release
____________ in to the bloodstream. Insulin binds to ___________ sites on target cells. This triggers the ____________
____________ protein to __________, allowing glucose to enter cells. This __________ blood sugar to
__________________ (normal levels). If blood sugar gets low enough, the brain sends a signal to the _______________ to
release ______________. This substance binds to receptor sites on the ___________, causing the liver to convert stored
_____________ into glucose which is secreted back into the ________________, bringing blood sugar levels back to
____________________ (normal levels). This is a ____________ feedback loop.
In Type 1 Diabetes, _______ insulin is produced. Type 1 diabetics inject ___________ to solve this problem. In Type 2 Diabetes,
insulin ______________ don’t function properly, so glucose levels in the blood stay too high, resulting in several severe health
complications. Type 2 Diabetics must monitor _______ and exercise to control blood sugar.