Through trade, the
land up the Nile to the south.
gold. To gain control over these riches,
a solid understanding of
came into contact with
South Africa
. Rich in mineral resources
. Capital investment:
• Literacy rate: 94%
• GDP per capita: $13,278
was rich in resources. Including
conquered most of
during the middle and new kingdom. The ancient Egyptians developed
-Their ability to construct the
-proves their command of arithmetic and geometry and their
knowledge of
No other civilization had been able to plan and
build structures so long or so perfectly shaped. To bring the water of the Nile River to
their fields,
-also developed complex system of

Kingdoms and Empires
Ghana, the first of the greatest empires, flourished between 600-1200. Originally the
a kingdom founded between the Niger and Senegal rivers. Ghana grew into a full-
through its mastery
of making iron-
which they used to conquer other people. Beginning around 750, Ghana began to
develop trans-Saharan trade with North Africa. They traded--