Which answer choice provides an accurate and objective summary of the article?
(A) Rare earths are elements that are extremely difficult to locate in the Earth's crust. China has mostly taken control of mining and producing these metals for the global supply chain. A dispute between Japan and China shows that a trade war over rare earths is a bad idea.
(B) Rare earths are metals that appear in the Earth's crust in most countries of the world. A trade war with China would make it difficult for America to produce missiles. The metals are also required for rechargeable batteries used in electric cars and the manufacture of televisions.
(C) Rare earths are metals that appear in many household products used by people every day. If Americans hope to succeed in a trade war with China, they will have to reduce their reliance on products that contain rare earths. One good way to achieve this is through recycling.
(D) Rare earths are elements that are valued for their unusual and specific properties. Most of the world's supply is produced and controlled by China. This means that a trade war could make it difficult to get supplies necessary to manufacture many consumer and defense products.