In this lesson, you analyzed how Shakespeare used structural techniques to create tension in Romeo and Juliet: Act 2, Scene 2. In this activity, you will write a paragraph that makes a claim about how structures such as soliloquies, asides and dramatic irony create and sustain tension in Act 2, Scene 2. As you complete this activity, refer to the notes in your Structural Analysis Graphic Organizer. You may also refer to your notes and annotations in the Read and Analyze sections of this lesson, or access Act 2, Scenes 1–2 here.
Part A
You will now plan your paragraph about the structure and tension in Romeo and Juliet. This will help you craft a response to this prompt: Write a paragraph describing how Shakespeare's structural choices create tension in Act 2, Scene 2.
Complete the table by planning your claim, evidence, and commentary. Refer to your Structural Analysis Graphic Organizer as you work.