1. Create a CPN model based on the AOM Goal and Behavioural Interface
Models using the mapping heuristics discussed in the lecture.
2. The initial tokens (initial state) of your system should reflect at least 2
scooters and 2 commuters. More generally → Please ensure a level of
complexity similar to the CPN model example given in the lecture.
3. You can use the CPN model example used in the lecture and modify it
to suit your needs.
4. You are welcome to use hierarchical CPNs to follow the Goal hierchy if
you like, but it is not mandatory.
5. You can choose a simple subset of the goals and only model those,
however: this subset should include the interesting component of the
system, i.e., the reserving, riding the E-Scooter, and computation of
the ride cost. Optionally you can also include registration and payment
6. You can modify your AOM models if you feel the need to, as long as th