
Read each of the following and mark them as the following letters:
V) An example of verbal irony
D) An example of dramatic irony
S) An example of situational irony

____ 1. You’ll love hanging out with my sister. She’s as friendly as a rattlesnake.

____ 2. In a movie, a man tells a woman that he loves her and wants to marry her. The audience knows the man is already married and is planning to move away the next day.

____ 3. In a television program, a character who thinks she is alone in a room begins to sing along very loudly with the music in her headphones. The audience knows that her friends are in the next room and can hear her.

____ 4. Julia arrived late to meet Carey for lunch. “I’m sorry,” said Julia. “Were you waiting long?” Carey replied, “Oh, not that long. I had time to finish writing a novel, write thank you letters for all of my birthday presents, and memorized the dictionary. Not long at all.”

____ 5. A pilot is afraid of flying.

____ 6. Rob unpacked his backpack and started getting ready to do his homework. “Wonderful,” he said. “I forgot my social studies book at school. That will really help me get this homework finished.”

____ 7. In a suspenseful movie, a character runs into a room to escape someone who is chasing him. Only the audience knows that the chaser is already in the room.

____ 8. Ralph shuffled back into the classroom after being called to the principal’s office. “How did it go?” his friend Mike asked. “Oh,” said Ralph, “It went really well. I have detention for two days and I can’t go to the school carnival. Lucky me!”

____ 9. A painter realizes he is color blind.

____ 10. Jimmy tells his mom he is late getting home from school because he stayed to help the teacher organize the room. Jimmy’s mom has already received a phone call from the school and knows he was late because he had detention.

____ 11. A website dedicated to explaining how terrible the internet is

____ 12. A fire station burns down.

____ 13. Mrs. Jones sniffed the air in Mike’s messy, trash-littered room. “It smells as fresh as a garbage can in here,” she said.

____ 14. In the movie Toy Story, the human characters don’t know that the toys come to life when they are not there, but the audience does.

____ 15. The captain of a cruise ship gets seasick.

____ 16. Tommy’s mother came in from mowing the lawn to find Tommy sprawled on the couch playing a video game, “I hate to bother you,” she said, “as you’re obviously doing something really important, but I need you to come outside and rake the leaves.”

____ 17. In a movie about twin sisters, one sister pretends to be the other. The audience knows about the switch, but the other characters in the movie do not.

____ 18. All of the employees of a hospital are too sick to go to work.

____ 19. “How was school today?” mom asked as Tricia walked in the door. “Not
quite as pleasant as getting a tooth pulled,” replied Tricia as she slumped into a chair.

____ 20. In a dramatic film, Clarissa auditions to be in a talent show. She is certain she is a better singer than her rival, Linda, and that she will get the spot. The audience, however, knows that the judge is Linda’s mother and that it is
unlikely that Clarissa will win a chance at the talent show.