Jose, 7 years old, and his mother live alone in a one- bedroom apartment close to his school. Most afternoons Jose walks home alone, lets himself into their apartment, and watches television until his mother comes home from work. His favorite after-school snack consists of potato chips and a soda or fruit drink. For dinner, Jose's mother usually brings something home from a local fast food restaurant because she is "too tired to cook". She knows this isn't good for either one of them. Jose's mother is currently being treated for high blood pressure, and the pediatrician has expressed concern about Jose's continued weight gain. However, Jose's mother doesn't see how she can change anything given her work schedule and limited income.

If you were working with this family, list at least 2 suggestions for improving their health and safety? Please provide specific examples AND resources available in your community that can help Jose’s family.

For example, if your suggestion is that they should prepare healthy meals, please provide an example of how they can achieve this change.

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