4. Read the following excerpt from a treaty between France and Russia. Explain how treaties like this one helped lead to World War I. In your opinion, is this the most important cause of the war? Why or why not? Support your conclusions with well-organized historical evidence. (5 points)
France and Russia, being animated by a common desire to preserve peace, and having no other object than to meet the necessities of a defensive war, provoked by an attack of the forces of the Triple Alliance against either of them, have agreed upon the following provisions:
1. If France is attacked by Germany, or by Italy supported by Germany, Russia shall employ all her available forces to attack Germany.
If Russia is attacked by Germany, or by Austria supported by Germany, France shall employ all her available forces to attack Germany....
4. The General Staffs of the Armies of the two countries shall cooperate with each other at all times in the preparation and facilitation of the execution of the measures mentioned above.
They shall communicate with each other, while there is still peace, all information relative to the armies of the Triple Alliance which is already in their possession or shall come into their possession.
Ways and means of corresponding in time of war shall be studied and worked out in advance.
5. France and Russia shall not conclude peace separately.
- The Franco-Russian Alliance Military Convention - August 18, 18921
i need this asap i’ll mark you brainliest