1) Which word MOST NEARLY matches the definition: 1. (n.) Something that follows another; A continuation of a story (plebeian-aghast - prodigal - facetious - sequel) 2. (n.) A commoner, a member of the lower class; (adj.) Of or relating to the lower class, common and vulgar (jurisdiction-volatile - disdain - proximity - plebeian) 3. (n.) A statement written on a gravestone in memory of a person who died (plebeian - epitaph - prodigal - apparition - proximity) 4. (n.) Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; (v.) To treat as beneath oneself with hatred, to treat with contempt (disdain - prodigal - epitaph - facetious - volatile) 5. (n.) Lawful power or right to exercise official authority (assert - inaudible - ethical - jurisdiction - sequel) 6. (adj.) Done randomly without careful analysis (cower - proximity - epitaph - apparition - indiscriminate) 7. (v.) To crouch down in fear (cower - ethical - prodigal - volatile - plausible) 8. (v.) To pound, crush or grind into powder or dust; To destroy or demolish by crushing (pulverize - intrigue - assert - ethical - disdain) 9. (n.) Nearness in space, time, or relationship; Closeness (aghast - proximity - sequel - apparition - indiscriminate) 10. (adj.) Unable to be heard; Too faint to make a sound (inaudible - plausible - prodigal - cower - ample) 11. (adj.) More than sufficient to meet a need or purpose; Abundant (ample - cower - sequel - inaudible - plebeian) 12. (adj.) Seeming reasonable or probable (indiscriminate - sequel - facetious - inaudible - plausible) ith inappropriate humor; Sarcastic​