A Tableau Vivant or Living Picture
Project: In groups of two or more, you'll depict people working in a particular profession or trade by creating a drawing or painting. After this is completed, you'll recreate the art work as a tableau vivant.

I. After groups have been assigned by your teacher, get together to discuss and decide what profession or trade you'll use in your tableau vivant.

II. Complete a rough draft of a drawing or painting depicting people working in that profession or trade. Everyone in the group will portray a worker. Determine the clothing you'll wear, the poses you'll strike, and the scenery and props that you'll need.

III. Complete the final drawing or painting.

IV. Create a tableau vivant that recreates the drawing or painting.

V. Present the tableau vivant to your class. Display your art work and imitate it as closely as possible.

VI. Hold your pose for at least one full minute.

VII. Take a bow!