SoliD is a new arm of a large global financial services firm targeting teens and millennials. The new platform and associated services are meant to appeal to the youth market by being low cost, having low barrier of entry, and super simple to use.

In order to make those things happen, SoliD has contracted Accenture to make two things happen with a specific timeframe. One, SoliD, with the guidance of Accenture, must apply for and acquire many approvals from various governmental entities. Timing on these applications and obtaining approvals are well understood and critical due to the small application windows and the Accenture consultant's availability to complete all the necessary paperwork. Any rework would be costly and should be greatly avoided.

Simultaneously, a simple, modern phone app must be launched. The initial app Is to be released while the approvals are underway. The purpose of the first editions of the app is to bring awareness to the upcoming
service, the new brand, test designs and language, and collect user interest, which could segue into potential early adopters.