"Fifty years ago, three astronauts orbiting the moon pointed a camera back towards home and took the most influential and iconic photograph ever made. Their image of Earth, shining with life and color in the cold, lonely darkness of space, had a profound impact on how we view the planet. That “small blue marble,” beautiful and fragile, contained all that humanity was and had ever been. The sight spurred on the environmental movement worldwide. In the United States, the first Earth Day was organized within a few months. Landmark legislation to protect endangered species and restore clean air and water followed."
List the cause(s) and effect(s) in the reading.
cause: interest in the environment, space exploration, photograph of Earth from the moon, new laws
effect: the environmental movement
cause: a photograph of Earth from space
effect: realization of the fragility of the planet, new public interest in the environment, laws to protect wildlife, air, and water
cause: astronauts orbited the moon
effect: people became aware of global warming
cause: Earth Day
effect: legislation passed to protect endangered species, restore clean air, and water