* Chalk deposits left by the Western Interior Seaway during this period formed the Smoky Hills Chalk in America, and the Dover Cliffs chalk in Europe was also formed at the same time
* eruption of the Deccan traps may have contributed to the end of this geologic period, during which rudists were the most important reef-builders in the Tethys Ocean
* White Cliffs of Dover formed during this period, whose characteristic chalk deposits give it its name, and the Chicxulub
* Coccoliths formed the chalk beds that name this period of time.
* Alvarez hypothesis
uses shocked quartz and iridium concentration to explain how this period of time ended.
spread of () flowering plants which first appeared in this period, whose geologic
strata ends at the K-T boundary
* Placental species coexisted with dinosaurs during, for 10 points,
what last period of the Mesozoic era whose dinosaur species included T-rex?
* Pierre Shale are two formations dating from this period, during which the Tethys Ocean became a shallow sea
* Laramide orogeny [aw-RAH-jeh-nee] began lifting the Rocky Mountains in this period that also saw the evolution of the first mammals and flowering plants
* This period closed with the eruption of the Deccan Traps in India, which may be related to an impact that resulted in a thin layer of iridium forming between this period and the one that follows it. The Alvarezes posited that the KT boundary marks the stratigraphic border between this period and the Tertiary.
* name this period in which the T. Rex lived, the last period of the Mesozoic era that probably ended with a big meteor impact at Chixtulub.
* Germany's Maastricht Formation contains fossils from this geologic period, which saw the split of Africa and South America
* geologically significant both for the large amounts of chalk formed during this period and for a layer of iridium known as the K-T boundary, which is believed to have been deposited by an asteroid
* final period of the Mesozoic Era, whose end saw the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.
* Berriasian Age to the Maastrichtian Age
* first ap- pearance of ants, butterflies, and flowering plants. Though life generally increased throughout its eighty million years, its end was marked by many extinctions, especially for large land animals.
* age that followed the Jurassic Age, the last part of the Mesozoic Era