Question 44 David, a member, is a sole practitioner CPA who provides bookkeeping financial statement, and tax preparation services to Chiropractical incorporation with two qual hardholders Kathy and Leah. David has provided services to Chiropractical, Inc. for approximately five years, during which time he has all exclusively with Katly on all matters relating to David engagement with the corporation. A dispute has developed between Kathy and Loth over various business matters.Pursuant to this dispute. Leah hasretted francia reports and records that were previously provided to Kathy, who has held herself out as the client's representative during the entire term of Davippement with the company is David obted to provide the same records to Leah that he has already provided to Kathy?
O Yes because she quhareholder in the corporation
O Nobec David has ready provided the records to Kathy
O Leah was a majority holder Duvid would be obligated to provide the records to her
O The AICPA Code of Professional Conductors at address the sun