3. Organizational Decline Almost all businesses operate in changing environments Identify the stage of organizatio arely each example in the following table. constantly Decline Stage Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies dont seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, butY each of the attempts falled, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now, unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. 3. Organlzational Decline Almost all businesses operate In ▼ changing environments. identify the stage of organizational decine for each example in the following table. Decline Stage Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a walt and see* approach to addressing the problem because other companies don't seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, but each of the attempts failed, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now, unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. Blinded Faulty action Inaction 3. Organlzational Decline Almost all businesses operate inY inchanging environments. Identify the stage of organizational decline for each example in the following table Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies dont seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, but each of the attempts failed, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now, unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. Decline Stage Crisis DissolutionLY Inaction 3. Organizational Decline Almost all businesses operate inchanging environments Identify the stage of organizational dedline for each example in the following table. Decline Stage Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies don't seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, but each of the attempts faliled, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. Inaction Faulty action Blinded