Solve this problem using the appropriate law.

Uranium contains two isotopes, U-235 with an atomic mas of 235 g/mol, and u-238 with an atomic mass of 238g/mol. U-235 is needed as a fuel in nuclear reactors. Until recently, the method used to separate U-235 from U-238 was by gas diffusion. Use U-235 as R1 and U-238 as R2 and determine the rate of diffusion and which gas will diffuse faster.

U-235 diffused 1. 01 times slower than U-238

U-235 effused 1. 01 times faster than U-238

U-235 effused 2. 01 times slower than U-238

U-235 diffused 1. 01 times faster than U-238

U-235 diffused 10. 01 times faster than U-238