In a chemical reaction, table ugar (ucroe) i mixed with ulfuric acid. The reult of the reaction i a towering black tructure of elemental carbon, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ulfur dioxide gae. How can conervation of matter be proved uing thi reaction?
The mae of the ugar, ulfuric acid, and glaware hould be recorded before the experiment, then the reulting reactant mae hould be compared with the original mae. B
The mae of the reultant gae and tructure hould be weighed to how that the reultant are heavier than the product. C
The mae of the reultant gae and tructure hould be weighed to how that the reultant are lighter than the product. D
The mae of the ugar, ulfuric acid, and glaware hould be recorded before the experiment, then the energy lot can be added to the reultant and compared to the original mae