In 2010, the NCAA (a US college sports authority) required that athletes be tested for the genetic sickle cell trait. This trait is caused by being heterozygous (Ss) at a single gene that is NOT on the X-chromosome. Let's imagine that you have genotype Ss. Imagine that you (female) have two potential mates: Tom with genotype Ss, or Sam with genotype SS. Are your kids more likely to have genotype Ss if you marry Tom or Sam? (Note: DO NOT include the possibility of them getting the full sickle cell anemia disease - just the sickle cell trait. Hint: draw out the Punnett square to examine both possibilities.)

1 point

No way to tell with information given

Equal chance if you marry someone with or without the trait.

Higher chance of kids having the trait if you marry Sam

Higher chance of kids having the trait if you marry Tom