Identify and explain the relationship between the events and/or ideas found in these documents using their similarities and differences.

Document 1:
When the Butler Act was passed in Tennessee in 1925, it outlawed the teaching of evolution in schools. Many people took to the media to argue for or against it. Mrs. Sparks was one of many citizens who wrote letters to Tennessee's newspapers in response to the Act.
Dear Editor:
When the bill (The Butler Act) against the teaching of evolution in public schools was passed, I could not see why more mothers were not thanking the lawmakers. They were protecting our children from one of the destructive forces which will destroy our civilization. I for one was grateful that they stood up for what was right. And grateful, too, that we have a Christian man for governor who will defend the Word of God against this so-called science. The Bible tells us that the gates of Hell shall not win against the church. We know there will always be those who set an example for the cross of Christ. But in these times of materialism I thank God deep down in my heart for everyone whose voice is raised for humanity and the coming of God's kingdom.
Mrs. Jesse Sparks Pope, Tennessee

Document 2:
In 1925, the American Federation of Teachers released the following statement in support of John Scopes, who was put on trial for teaching his students about the scientific theory of evolution.
The American Federation of Teachers is deeply concerned about the effect of the Tennessee anti-evolution law.
...Teaching... has been menaced... by misguided legislative authority that fears to trust the intelligence, the public spirit and the devotion... of [teachers]....As teachers we especially fear the effect of the present wave of intolerance in education on the task of providing the schools with enlightened teachers. Without freedom in the intellectual life, and without the inspiration of uncensored discovery and discussion, there could ultimately be no scholarship, no schools at all and no education. Source: AFT Resolutions - July 1925
Document Based Question #2