For each statement below, explain why you agree of disagree.

1. Society encourages children to grow up too quickly.

2. Conformity results in the loss of individuality.

3. Adolescence is a time of self-exploration.

4. The loss of innocence leads to cynicism.

5. While we may seek reality, we are more comfortable with illusion.

6. People can overcome their own problems.

7. Establishing a mature relationship with a member of the opposite sex is difficult.

8. In order to fit into our society we must by “phony” or “fake” to a certain degree.

9. It is difficult to meet someone who is “real” because most people are “phony.”

10. Institutions such as schools, businesses, and entertainment industries suppress the individual.

11. Adolescents must endure many problems and pressures.

12. Everyone must determine his own value system for himself.