XYZ is a triangle, where XY = 10 cm, angle YXZ = 50°
and angle XYZ = 70°.
Put the steps for constructing triangle XYZ in the correct
A Draw a line from Y through your 70° B Draw side XY.
mark to form the triangle.
50° 70°
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
D Put the centre of the protractor on X. E Put the centre of the protractor on Y.
Mark 50° from XY.
Mark 70°
from XY.
C Draw a line from X through
your 50° mark.
10 cm
![XYZ is a triangle where XY 10 cm angle YXZ 50 and angle XYZ 70 Put the steps for constructing triangle XYZ in the correct A Draw a line from Y through your 70 B class=](