EXERCISE 9.4 Rules for Reading Contour Lines on Topographic Maps Name: Section: Course: Date: Complete the following sentences to summarize what you've learned about contour lines (a) Two different contour lines cannot cross because (b) The spacing between contour lines on a map reveals the of the ground surface. Closely spaced contour lines indicate. - and widely spaced contour lines indicate Concentric contour lines indicate a. (d) Concentric hachured contour lines indicate a 9.4 Applications of Contour Lines on Topographic Maps Topographic maps help geologists solve a wide variety of problems. For example, they can trace the spread of contaminated groundwater, and they can locate the epicenters of old earthquakes from the amount of damage they caused. Some exer cises in later chapters will require topographic map making skills, in addition to your ability to read topographic maps to understand the shapes and origins of landforms. In Exercise 9.5 you will make a topographic map for the first time, using eleva- tion data provided by surveyors. Exercise 9.6 shows that reading a topographic map can be a life-saving skill. EXERCISE 9.5 Making a Topographic Map Name: Section: Course: Date: ou understand the basic rules of contour lines, you can make your own topographic map from elevation data. ne map on the next page shows surveved elevations for a coastal area. Using these elevation data, construct a topo- ure that shows the topography of the area, using a contour interval of 20 feet. Nature has alread st contour line, as the coastline is by definition, the 0-foot contour. Remember that contour lines must follow the rules you have just learned, including the guideline that have just learned, including the guideline that contour lines don't go straight across streams--the lines much form a V oriented correctly to indicate the direction of streamflow. (continued)